Barcellona, protestano gli autisti di Uber

29 Nov 2023

(LaPresse) - Gli autisti dei mezzi di trasporto di aziende come Uber e Bolt, i ride-hailing driver (VTC), hanno protestato per le strade di Barcellona contro le nuove normative nel settore. Si oppongono alle nuove leggi proposte dalla Generalitat che limiteranno ulteriormente l'uso di queste applicazioni in Catalogna. The drivers of transport vehicles, known as ride-hailing drivers (VTC), which refers to vehicles from companies like Uber or Bolt, are protesting on the streets of Barcelona against the new regulations in the sector. They are opposing the new laws proposed by the Generalitat that will further restrict the use of these applications in Catalonia. In comparison to other cities around the world, their presence is very limited.

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